A Taste of Change

This post has been in my head for many weeks and it was finally time to write it down and at least keep with posting once per month.

I spent February through April at the condo in SC.  As posted previously, Loose Ends, I finally got it completed with the installation of the stairs. I do like it at the SC condo but it was certainly a change.  I was away from my family and friends – my support network.  It was a chance to try out a big change, but with a safety net – it was only for a few months.  I’m not planning any life changing events like selling the house or moving but this was a taste of change – an opportunity to try out life on my own.  Gary and I had both planned to go to SC for the winter and I was just following through with that plan.  Without Gary it was more of a challenge.

I was alone. I was working at home. The IBM office in Greenville is just a satellite office with people coming and going.  It certainly wasn’t worth driving for 25 minutes and paying to park to work in an office, possibly by myself! There were no friends to call to go out to dinner or to bail me out of any binds. There were no friends to actually talk to face to face. I was on my own and responsible for my own actions. It was up to me to meet new people and to try new activities. Gary was always the one to meet the neighbors and make new friends – now I was up to me.

And, I did okay. I kept in touch with my work friends via email and instant messaging. It wasn’t the same but it was still contact.  I called my family and friends now and then to catch up. I used MeetUp to find and join a book club, hiking group, and walking group. I went on events with these groups. I chatted with my neighbors when they were outside.  I went to restaurants alone.  I sat and the bar and talked to other people if they were open to it. Most people sitting at a restaurant bar are willing to chat.

I did feel a bit guilty about leaving my mom.  I travelled back a few times to visit her.  But, when I realized that calling her often was almost the same to her as visiting, I skipped my last trip home.  We both did okay.

I also enjoyed the freedom of not worrying about the house and all of the things I needed to do.  My dear friends were plowing as necessary and available for any emergencies.  I didn’t think about cleaning out the workshop or the basement or the closets or …… I didn’t worry about the need for new doors or windows or painting.  It was somewhat of a respite from home ownership.  Now I am back to reality.

But, I love the house and the yard.  I don’t love the clutter.  After being in a new place with not so much stuff and “clutter” I was assaulted with the need to organize, clean, and de-clutter when I got home.  I hope I can keep that feeling and make headway on cleaning out both my “stuff” and Gary’s!  I do realize that until I do that, I really can’t move on completely. But, I did enjoy my taste of change and look forward to it next winter!

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